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Introduction to JavaScript

JavaScript is a high-level language, object oriented, multi paradigm, just-in time compiled, dynamic, single-threaded programming language with first class functions and a non-blocking event loop concurrency model.

High-level: The resources are automatically allocated and with the help of a garbage collector disposed off.
Object oriented : Based on objects except primitves.
Multi paradigm : Procedural, Functional , OOPS concepts can be used
Just-in time complied: It means the code is compiled during execution and not ahead of time. Dynamically typed: Simply means we do not have to manually define the data type of the value stored. it is taken care of by the compiler.
First class functions: Everything is treated as variables i.e functions can be passed as variables and return them.
Non blocking eventloop concurrency model: Runs on single thread, so code is executed one line at a time. It uses an event loop that takes long running tasks and puts them in the background till execution and later puts it on the main thread.

Role of JavaScript

JavaScript is the responsible for the dynamic and interactive nature of the webpages. It is used to manipulate the markup/CSS.

JavaScript can be used anywhere

JavaScript is present almost everywhere, from Frontend, Backend and even native Desktop/Mobile applications

JavaScript releases

JavaScript is Released every year and was standardized as EcmaScript (ES) in the year 2015. Every year a new improved version is released with bug fixes or new features. This does not deprecate old features