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Array is a datastructure. It is big container in which we can throw variables and store them together. There are different ways that an array can be created


// literal syntax
const friends = ['Steve', 'Peter', 'Paul'];
const years = new Array(1991, 1984, 2001, 2003);

Arrays are 0 indexed.

console.log(friends[0]); // output => Steve
console.log(friends[2]); // output => Paul

Array Operations

There are multiple array methods. Often used are

  1. length : gives the size of the array.
  2. push : adds an element to the end of the array. Returns the length of the array.
  3. unshift : adds to the start of the array.
  4. pop : remove the last element of the array. Returns the popped element.
  5. shift : remove the first element of the array. Returns the removed element.
  6. indexOf : return the index at which the element is located.
  7. includes : returns a boolean depending on the element being present or not. Uses strict equality ===.

Array Destructuring

  • The destructuring assignment syntax is a JavaScript expression that makes it possible to unpack values from arrays into distnct variables.
    • The original array is not affected.
    let a, b;
    [a, b] = [10, 20];
    console.log(a); // output => 10

Spread operator & Rest pattern

  • Spread operators helps in spreading the array into a single variable.
    • Syntax is [...].
    • It expands an array into its elements.
    const arr = [7, 6, 8];
    const newArr = [1, 2, 3, ...arr];
    console.log(newArr); //output=> 1,2,3,7,6,8
    • It helps creates a shallow copy of the array.
    • Join 2 or more arrays.
  • Rest pattern has the same syntax. -It is used to pack all elements in an array. -Used on the left of the assignment.
    • It must be the last element.
    • Only 1 rest pattern in an assignment.
    const [a, b, ...others] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
    console.log(a, b); //output => 1,2
    console.log(others); // output => 3,4,5,6

For-of loop

  • This is new way of looping over arrays.
  • It lets you loop over iterables.
  • It gives you the value.
const items = ['Steve', 'Dsouza', 'JavaScript'];
for (const name of item) {
} // ouput=> Steve Dsouza JavaScript

Array Methods

They are functions attached to Array objects. These are special built in functions that can be accessed.


We can extract the array without modifying the original array. We have to pass a start parameter, and optionally the end parameter. The end parameter is not included in the sliced array. Can use negative index to start from the end

let arr=['s','t','e','v','e']
// elements from index to till the end
console.log(arr.slice(2)) // Output => ['e','v','e']
// start and end
console.log(arr.slice(2,4)) // Output => ['e','v']


It is similar to slice but it mutates the original array. The syntax is splice(start, deleteCount, itemN)

let arr=['s','t','e','v','e']
// elements from index to till the end
console.log(arr.splice(2)) // Output => ['e','v','e']
// start and end
console.log(arr) // Output => [ 's', 't' ]


It reverses the array. It mutates the original array.

let arr=['s','t','e','v','e']
console.log(arr.reverse()) // Output => ['e','v','e','t,'s']


Concatenates two arrays together. does not mutate the original array.

let arr=['s','t','e','v','e']
let arr2=['d','s','o','u','z','a']
console.log(arr.concat(arr2)) // Output => ['s','t','e','v','e','d','s','o','u','z','a']


Joins the array together. Gives an output of string.

const elements = ['Fire', 'Air', 'Water'];
console.log(elements.join('-')); // Output => "Fire-Air-Water"